Create a Page from a Medieval Gem Book

06/10/2024 06:00 PM - 08:00 PM ET


This is a very beginner-friendly painting course on the painting styles found in many medieval and renaissance books of hours. We will briefly learn some basic information on the layout of a book of hours and the proportions of a standard page from the average 15th century Flemish manuscript. We will practice drawing and painting simple shapes according to design basics like light placement, shading, and mixing colors. We will take a closer look at the properties of cut gems and smooth, tumbled stones and practice what we've learned about shapes, color, and light. For the second half of the class, we will put what we've learned into practice and students will design and paint their own book page.


We set our pricing to pay our instructors a fair wage and cover materials, but one of FBAC’s goals is to give access to the experience of all things bookbinding and printing to anyone who is interested. If you or someone you know would like to participate in a class but do not have the funding please reach out to and we will do what we can so no one has to miss out on the experiences we offer.