Starting Your Graphic Novel Journey (In Person Class)

10/11/2021 05:00 PM - 06:30 PM ET


This class will help you get started on writing and illustrating your own graphic novel! We will explore the many facets that go into realizing a full-length graphic novel. 1) We will begin with brainstorming and finding the seed of your graphic novel idea. 2) We will explore how to further develop your ideas with basic research and organization. 3) We will study basic plot structures that will help you form your story. 4) We will discuss assembling your ideas into a plot outline and how to begin writing your graphic novel script. 5) We will explore various graphic novel illustration styles and help you hone your own style that compliments your script. This class will be flexible to student's interests and ideas. Open to all levels of writing and illustration ability. Ages 16 and up, but if you have a younger child interested, please contact us at to discuss setting up another workshop. 

We are currently asking that all students and instructors wear a mask while attending in-person classes. This class is currently scheduled to be held at FBAC, however due to the unpredictable nature of Covid-19 we have an alternate plan to host it via Zoom if it becomes necessary. Please review our Covid-19 policy here.